Sauce are smooth, semi-flavored & thickened liquid which have suitable colorful appearance, definite in taste and adequate seasoning to complement the ingredients & the food that it is to accompany. Every sauce should be carefully and thoroughly cooked and blended to become a quality dish.

Every sauces are thickened by some specific thickening agents they are as fallows:

1. Roux: A roux is a combination of equal quantity of fat and refined flour which is cooked together. There are 3 degrees to which a roux may be cooked namely:

a. White Roux: Equal quantity of butter and refined flour cooked together without color. It is cooked for a short time while roux achieve sandy texture which is used to prepare Bechamel Sauce and soups.

b. Blond Roux: Equal quantity of butter and refined flour cooked together till light brown/golden texture which is used to prepare Veloute Sauce, Tomato Sauce and soups. It is cooked for a longer time than white roux.

c. Brown Roux: Equal quantity of butter and refined flour cooked together till complete brown color which is used to prepare Espangnole Sauce, Demi-glace and soups. It is cooked for a longer time than blond roux.

2. Cornflour: Cornflour is produced from crushed endosperm of  maize grain. It is blended to the paste with a liquid and used.

3. Arrowroot: Arrowroot is obtained from the root of west Indian plant named "Maranta". It is diluted with water , stock or milk.

4. Beurre Manie: Equal quantity of butter and refined flour kneaded to a smooth paste and mixed into a boiling liquid. It is used for quick thickening of soups and sauces.

5. Liaison:Liaison is a mixture of cream and egg yolk in equal quantity is used to prepare cream soups and white stews.

6. Egg yolk: Egg yolk is the yellow part of egg. It is used in different manner for each sauce. It is specially used to prepare Mayonnaise Sauce, Hollandaise Sauce, Custered Sauce.

7. Blood: Blood thickens the sauce and give particular flavor. It is specially used as thickening agents for game items. Ex: Jugged Hare.

There are 6 mother sauce or basic sauce:
1. Bechamel Sauce
2. Veloute Sauce
3. Espangnole Sauce
4. Tomato Sauce
5. Hollandaise Sauce
6. Mayonnaise Sauce


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